Researches in Personal Freedom

Introduction: An Objective Kind of Freedom

Introduction: Table of Contents
See note below for completion status.

Part I: Foundations
1. The question of freedom and scientists who say "no"
2. The example of ping-pong: exercising freedom with every stroke
3. Looking for freedom at the center of a ping-pong stroke
4. A place for freedom: in the blind spot of the mind

Part II: Construction
5. Ideals and virtual concepts: novel methods of conceptual construction
6. An alternative view of physics: Energy is not real, but only Ideal
7. An alternative view of brains: we cook up our experiences
8. Designing Ideal Brains based on Virtual Energy
9. Consciousness streaming from a hot sugar twinkler
10. Shaping experience with warming and cooling brain waves
11. Howdy Doody vs. Mickey Mouse; or, there's a real person pulling my strings
12. Idealization of Reality: an objective kind of freedom

First text publication, January 17, 2005.

You can download a copy of the current version of An Objective Kind of Freedom (about 620 kilobytes) in the Adobe .pdf formal.

Sections 1 through 6 are substantially complete. Sections 7 through 9, that are to support the proposed Thermal Model of Idealized Brains, are progressively less complete and there are no materials available as to section 10. The present draft of the Thermal Model of Idealized Brains is presently set forth elsewhere; supplementary material is planned for the Introduction. Some substance is provided in sections 11 and 12, chiefly in the form of targets and/or guidances for development of the Thermal Model and supporting conceptualization.

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